
Automationware s.r.l.
Automationware is a company specialised in disruptive innovation, technology, research applied to mechatronics and advanced robotics.

CRIT s.r.l.
CRIT is a company specializing in technical-scientific information research and analysis, as well as research and development projects.

Exelisis IKE
Exelisis is an engineering-based consulting company, with an extensive experience in business development and innovation.

Holistic and Ontological Solutions for Sustainability LDA(HOLOSS)
HOLOSS is an end-to-end, customer oriented environmental solutions company that is centered on the circular economy, ecodesign, and sustainability services in Europe and around the world.

Idener Research & Development Agrupacion de Interes Economico
IDENER is a private research SME company composed of a team of researchers with a sound scientific background in disciplines comprising the branch of systems engineering and process engineering. They investigate the application of computational science to the optimization of systems and processes in key sectors.

Innoglobal is an organization of high-skilled scientists, engineers, data analysts and programmers, invested in the three central pillars critical to the advancement of manufacturing: Education, Technology and a Digital-Embracing Culture.

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology is a university in Baden-Württemberg and a national research center.

Madama Oliva s.r.l.
Madama Oliva is an international provider of olives and derivative products. It will be the pilot case of ONE4ALL project, for the agro-food sector.

Orifarm – Czech Republic factory
The factory of Orifarm group located in the Czech Republic will be one of the pilot cases of ONE4ALL project, for the pharmaceutical sector.

University of Southern Denmark
University of Southern Denmark has 5 faculties and 5 campuses in the country. They conduct world-class research and are one of the top fifty young universities in the world.

TU Dortmund University
TU Dortmund University is a university in North Rhine-Westphalia.